The surge in popularity of doodles like Labradoodles and Goldendoodles has been notable in recent times. These charming and fluffy canine companions have certainly won many hearts, but are they truly purebred? The reality suggests otherwise.
The doodle trend emerged in Australia during the 1980s with an initial introduction to assist a visually impaired spouse of a friend. However, since then, doodles have been bred without much thought by amateur breeders and large-scale breeding facilities, resulting in a host of issues.
The Rise of Doodle Breeding and Its Consequences
Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in doodle breeding activities. These dogs are now being crossed with a wide range of breeds, including Great Danes and Rottweilers, leading to disorderly breeding processes. Many doodles display hyperactive behavior and are prone to digestive and skin problems that can be quite challenging to address. Their mixed heritage generates unpredictable combinations, resulting in unique personalities with various issues.
The Reality of Doodle Breeding
It’s crucial to understand that there are no accredited doodle breeders since this type of dog is not recognized by the American Kennel Club. Doodles are not intended for show purposes but for monetary gain, resulting in inflated prices and the perpetuation of unethical breeding methods.
For those contemplating adding a dog to their family, it’s advisable to consider adopting a pedigree dog from a reputable rescue organization. However, if a doodle is your heart’s desire, consider exploring rescue groups that cater to adult dogs mistreated by irresponsible breeders.
Choose Integrity Over Trend: Let Hands2Paws Guide You
Avoid falling into the doodle frenzy and instead opt for a dog that is bred with care and integrity. We will match you with the breed that fits your lifestyle and expectations and redirect you to the breed specific website for more information about the breed, breeders, and litter inquiry. Consider using Hands2Paws to guide you to the ideal furry companion. We will match you with the breed that fits your lifestyle and expectations and redirect you to the breed specific website for more information about the breed, breeders, and litter inquiry.